If you like a weathered building, now is a good time to apply a quick wash of India ink and alcohol.
Vary the amount of wash from wall to wall.
When the India ink wash has dried, dry brush white across the walls to pick up highlights and simulate peeling paint.
A wide, well-used and frayed, brush is best for dry-brushing.
Once the walls are weathered to suit you, cut out the glazing.
You can use the large parts or the individual glazing.
Remove the protective tissue.
I used some dots of CA. you have to be careful with CA as it can haze the windows. I have also used Krystal Klear with success.
Though I've not used it, I hear that Canopy Glue is very good for glazing..
I also tried gluing some glazing in place and then removing the tissue. I was pleased with the way this worked.
Use the tissue from the glazing to make window shades. You can tone them down with colored pencil.
Manilla folders also make nice blinds.
The tissue from the individual windows works well for the blinds.